These threads always seem to pop every once in awhile but I'm a fan of them so I'll play along :)
AirStumbler (http://www.nexus9.org/): wireless network discover tool. I prefer it to MacStumbler.
Backlight (http://freshlysqueezedsoftware.com/products/freeware/): allows screensavers to be used as desktops, works great with MarineAquarium ;)
WClock (http://www.wolfware.com/wClock.html): menu bar clock with pop down calendar, now that Calendarclock/MenuCalendarClock has become shareware.
iCal Birthday Shifter (http://www.scotlandsoftware.com/products/icalshifter/index.html): takes birthdays from Address Book and makes them into events in iCal.

handmade thank you card

Sunflower thank you notes on

handmade thank you card

cool thank you card designs.

handmade thank you card

Hibiscus Thank You Cards

handmade thank you card

Handmade Greeting Cards

handmade thank you card

Handmade Thank-You Notes
AirStumbler (http://www.nexus9.org/): wireless network discover tool. I prefer it to MacStumbler.
Backlight (http://freshlysqueezedsoftware.com/products/freeware/): allows screensavers to be used as desktops, works great with MarineAquarium ;)
WClock (http://www.wolfware.com/wClock.html): menu bar clock with pop down calendar, now that Calendarclock/MenuCalendarClock has become shareware.
iCal Birthday Shifter (http://www.scotlandsoftware.com/products/icalshifter/index.html): takes birthdays from Address Book and makes them into events in iCal.