assuming the express is of the newer "N" kind, it needs to be configured to extend the network created by the TC.
also make sure the TC is set to allow this network to be extended.
nope, the N ones will do it in join mode too, i don't use it this way, but i have tried it. My main base is a linksys running dd-wrt, i've had the express join that network, and was able to get online via ethernet.
I am trying to extend my wireless network via an ethernet cable.
you're using the terms for 2 different things put together, are you trying to ...
1. time capsule ----Wireless----> airport express ---Wired---> computer
2. time capsule ----wireless----> computers
also make sure the TC is set to allow this network to be extended.
nope, the N ones will do it in join mode too, i don't use it this way, but i have tried it. My main base is a linksys running dd-wrt, i've had the express join that network, and was able to get online via ethernet.
I am trying to extend my wireless network via an ethernet cable.
you're using the terms for 2 different things put together, are you trying to ...
1. time capsule ----Wireless----> airport express ---Wired---> computer
2. time capsule ----wireless----> computers