....What's so "unsucessful" about the "War on Terror" in Afghanistan?....
it's still going on with no end in sight and at great expense to the tax payer....that's what you consider a success?
You said;
OMG, Justin Bieber just landed
With Justin Bieber#39;s Pic
it's still going on with no end in sight and at great expense to the tax payer....that's what you consider a success?
You said;
I don't think we are going to see Core Duos in Apples for much longer, though it is possible that the base Mini will offer a Core Duo, and the better model a Core 2 Duo.
Still, I think it much more likely that with this revision, both Minis will sport Core 2 Duos, probably Meroms to keep them quiet and lower-powered, and will feature the 965 graphics chipset which frankly is a very nice and inexpenisve graphics solution.
What I am really hoping is that there will be an add-on base module in a similar form factor to turn any Mini into a full-blown HD/Audio media centre. Now that could really be exciting. While Tivos and Sky+ boxes are welcome in my home, we are just aching for someone to really rethink the entire home media experience. I'd love to see Apple take a shot at that.That is almost exactly what I am thinking.
The way I see it there are two kind of people who buy the mac mini:
justin bieber little brother.
justin bieber little brother christian. justin hasjustin bieber; justin hasjustin bieber. macgeek18. Feb 23, 11:25 AM
justin bieber little brother christian. Best Friend: Justin Bieber; Best Friend: Justin Bieber. SeaFox. Nov 30, 01:21 AM
justin bieber little brother
justin bieber little brother
justin bieber wax doll.
justin bieber little brother christian. some fun ownjustin bieber; some fun ownjustin bieber. Lollypop. Jul 18, 01:45 AM
justin bieber little brother christian. You Went To Justin Bieber#39;s; You Went To Justin Bieber#39;s. mefck. Apr 26, 02:17 PM
of blood little brother is
Still, I think it much more likely that with this revision, both Minis will sport Core 2 Duos, probably Meroms to keep them quiet and lower-powered, and will feature the 965 graphics chipset which frankly is a very nice and inexpenisve graphics solution.
What I am really hoping is that there will be an add-on base module in a similar form factor to turn any Mini into a full-blown HD/Audio media centre. Now that could really be exciting. While Tivos and Sky+ boxes are welcome in my home, we are just aching for someone to really rethink the entire home media experience. I'd love to see Apple take a shot at that.That is almost exactly what I am thinking.
The way I see it there are two kind of people who buy the mac mini: